Festival Information
Saturday, October 11, 2025
9 AM to 5 PM
at Lilburn City Park, 76 Main Street
An application is a non-refundable commitment to the show. No refunds will be made for bad weather.
Application Options:
Download the Lilburn Daze application for mailing or complete Online Application for credit card payment.
Please note that application works best using desktop or laptop computers.
You may pay the application fee in one of two ways:
*If submitting a printed application, please mail your check or money order with the application. Payable to Lilburn Woman's Club to
Lilburn Woman's Club
P.O. Box 54
Lilburn, GA 30048
No personal checks will be accepted after October 1st.
You will receive an email confirmation.
A $25 fee will be charged for returned checks.
In the event your application is not accepted, you will receive a refund.
*Or, complete the online application and pay online when applying. A $7 convenience charge will be added during checkout for online transactions. You will receive an email confirming that your payment was processed. In the event your application is not accepted, you will receive a refund.
*Any refunds will be less payment fees and a check will be issued for the refund amount.
Set-up Information
• Advance set up is encouraged and is available on Friday, October 10, from 1 pm until 7 pm.
• You will be assigned a check-in time on Saturday. Your check-in time must be strictly adhered to. You will have only 30 minutes to unload your vehicle from the parking lot. All vehicles must be removed from the front parking lot.
• Booth assignments and parking lot access passes will be emailed to you at the end of September. The parking lot access pass will only allow you to enter the front lot for unloading. It is not a parking pass.
*Lilburn Daze is a rain or shine event. However, if the entire festival is forced to be cancelled due to public health or safety reasons, the application fee will be refunded upon request.
• No one is allowed to drive a motor vehicle onto the field. On Saturday morning, vendors must park in the front parking lot to unload and then move their vehicles to a designated vendor parking area. Only one vehicle per exhibitor is allowed for unloading/loading.
• Vendors are responsible for transporting their own items from the parking lot to their booth and vice versa. There is help available, but it is LIMITED and THERE WILL BE A LONG WAIT!! We encourage you to manage the set up and break down on your own.
• Exhibitors must provide their own means of display within a 15' X 15' space. No nails or stakes may be used to secure your tent. The City of Lilburn requires 40-pound weights on each tent leg.
• To ensure the integrity of the show, your booth must remain intact on the field until 5 p.m. Any vendor tearing down early will not be invited back.
• Please do not promote your product/service outside of your own booth space.
For more information, contact:
Please do not contact the City of Lilburn.
Lilburn Daze Arts and Crafts Festival is hosted by the Lilburn Woman’s Club
And co-sponsored by the City of Lilburn
Proceeds from the festival fund the community service projects
supported by the Lilburn Woman’s Club